This post is about the artistic side of me :)
As a programmer I couldn't live without the ability to express myself with art, even if it's only programmer art but in my case I taught myself how to model in Maya and use Photoshop to work with textures.
For about 2.5 or more years of my spare time I decided to practice my art skills by copying something I loved when I was a kid. One of the games that is close to my heart is the Myst series; I'll never forget that island and the games that followed after in the series. Myst was revolutionary for its time which today would look like child's play with the tools we have at our disposal; it introduced the idea of using CD's for distributing games too. So I decided one day that Myst Island would be my goal and it's come a long way:

I've built most of the Island completely from scratch using the stock photos that I extracted from the CD it came in, but there's a lot to go before it's finished; It's taken so long to convert the 2D images back into 3D surfaces but I feel it was worth it. I've had to reconstruct a lot of the textures by hand using tools like Photoshop and Illustrator and the rest came from free online sources that I still had to make repeatable textures.
Here's a link to my Picasa web album so you can see all the renderings I've done so far of the island, I've even uploaded comparison images to give you an idea.
I hope everyone likes it so far and I plan to continue working on it into the future, there's still a lot to do and polish but all in good time :)
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